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Make Money Online

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol enables internetworking and essentially establishes the Internet. There are lots of income opportunity in Internet. This site focus on affiliate marketing, which is to promote others products and earn commissions from sales made from links in your website. The following is 6-step affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

  1. Build a website
  2. Choose a topic (niche) for your website
  3. Add content to your website on a regular basis
  4. Find affiliate programs matching site content or place Google ads.
  5. Visitors to your website click on ads or affiliate links and buy 
  6. You get paid
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Build a Website

Steps to set up a website:

  1. Register a domain name such as books.com and officesupplies.com.
  2. Get a hosting account to store your web content.
  3. Choose a topic (niche) for your website.
  4. Use WordPress or other tool to build interesting web content.
  5. Place ads in your website or promote a product or service
  6. Get people to visit your website and get paid

What happens when your domain name expires?

You have a grace period after a domain registration expires to decide whether you want to renew. During the grace period you will receive quite a lot of traffic. Godaddy dotcom domain name registration expiration timeline is as following. Others are similar.

  • -5 days: The domain is active as usual other than receiving email reminders. You can renew the domain for the standard renewal price.
  • +5 days: The domain will be parked and the website will stop working. You can renew the domain for the standard renewal price.
  • +26 days: The domain goes to auction. You can still the domain for the standard renewal price if there is no active bid at auction.
  • +30 days: You can attempt to recover the domain with an additional redemption fee if there is no active bid at auction.
  • +36 days: The domain goes to a final closeout auction.
  • +41 days: The final closeout aution ends. You can attempt to recover the domain with an additional redemption fee if there is no active bid at auction.
  • +72 days: The domain is removed from your account.

Domain name investment

Buying domain names can be a good investment. Domain name is unique. A good domain name will be in high deman and could be bought and sold at good price. The cost of owning a domain is low around $10 a year.

Here are some tops for buying and selling domain names:



How to Create a WordPress Child Theme

A WordPress child theme lets you make changes without affecting the parent theme.

In the file manager, go to public_html/wp-content/themes, create a child them folder such as “iconic-one-child”. Under the child them directory, create two files style.css and functions.php.

style.css: make sure Template is the exact directory name of the parent theme

Theme Name: Iconic-One Child
Theme URI: https://themonic.com/iconic-one/
Description: Iconic-One Child Theme
Author: Your Name
Author URI: http://example.com
Template: iconic-one
Version: 1.0.0

/*Add your custom styles here */


Got to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance –> Themes and activate the child theme.